What is Encouragement? Why it Matters

Encouragement is something that we all need. It is something we seek and desire. It’s something we may crave and not even realize we need it.

So, what is encouragement and why does it matter so much? Encouragement is plainly defined as the action of giving someone support, confidence, or hope. Most importantly, it can be one of the more altruistic acts we can do. It is one of the rare things that benefits everyone involved. Encouragement makes everyone better. Encouragement soaks up tears, it hurdles obstacles, it eases pain and it carries us to new heights.

All too frequently now we are bombarded by things that bring us down. Society has become driven by selfish, idealistic endeavors that tend to divide rather than unite. When we build each other up and encourage one another, we restore the roots of integrity and decency that take us much closer to where we all should be – together.

Why Encouragement is so Important

Life is never steady. It is always filled with cycles. We are constantly ending one chapter and starting another one. Alexandre Dumas said it best in The Count of Monte Cristo, “Life is a storm, my young friend. You will bask in the sunlight one moment, be shattered on the rocks the next. What makes you a man is what you do when the storm comes.” No matter what we are going though in life, we need encouragement.

The power of encouragement is its absolute nature. It can simply just turn someone’s day around or it can save someone’s life. Encouragement is not bound by anything. It usually costs nothing to give and can be life changing to receive. As it becomes abundantly clear, encouragement is vital to our well-being. Here are five reasons why:

  1. Encouragement Can Change Someone’s Life – A simple word of affirmation, positive expression or even a smile can completely turn someones day around. A message of hope or helping hand of support can ease the burden of someone’s struggle. The right encouragement can inspire others to do great things, can ease the pain of grief and give hope when all seems lost.
  2. Encouragement Promotes a Positive Mindset – When we encourage one another we are focusing on what’s positive. We are training ourselves to find hope in our struggles, opportunity in our failures and strength in our weakness. The more we look for the positive in our world the more we will find it.
  3. Encouragement Builds Relationships – The only way to truly encourage someone is to listen to them, learn from them and care about them. As we genuinely build these relationships, we are motivating, inspiring and growing together towards the greater good.
  4. Encouragement Helps Achieve Goals – Many of us are chasing at many different goals at any given time. We are constantly pursuing growth. While some of us need to improve health others are trying to start a business. Some of us are trying to manage money better so they can buy their first house while others are in those last few years before retirement. These goals become much more attainable when you have someone in your corner cheering you on, giving you support and telling you, “You can do it!”
  5. Encouragement Builds Confidence – Someone who is regularly encouraged tends to have more confidence in all aspects of their lives. They learn to identify and overcome challenges. They don’t worry as much about failure because they know they have the support of the people that matter. And, when they do fail, they bounce back ready to face the next challenge much quicker. This confidence will help regardless of what life brings.

Why Encouragement Matters

The universality of encouragement is what makes it so unique. We have already identified that everyone needs encouragement regularly and in many different ways. What makes it so special is it can cover everyone. There will always be a way to encourage someone. You may not solve their problem and you may not change their life, but you can always make a difference. You can always have a positive impact on someone’s life regardless of how small it may seem.

Stop and think of some of the people you have been encouraged by. What sticks out the most? What made the biggest difference? I think you will find that the encouragement you received rarely took the same form. Maybe you lost a loved one and someone just came and sat with you. Maybe you were trying to lose those last 5 pounds and a friend laced up their running shoes with you saying, “We can do this!” Maybe you had a big job interview and your neighbor who knows nothing about resumes (because nobody does) took the time to make sure it was as good as it could be.

No matter how big or how small. No matter how happy or how sad. No matter the triumph or the failure. You will always remember the encouragement. It is the ultimate gift. Encouragement promotes all the things we need more of. It sweetens our successes, eases our burdens and brings people together. Encouragement matters because you matter and someone who encouraged you just reminded you of that.

Ways to Encourage People

  1. Words of Affirmation – One of the best and simplest ways to encourage someone is with words of affirmation. A positive, uplifting message can go along way. While these are almost always the simplest they can often be the most inspiring. Take every chance you get to encourage someone with words of affirmation.
  2. Being Present and Listening – We often overlook how important it is to be present with others and genuinely listen to what they have to say. Many times you don’t even need to say anything. Put your phone down. Look them in the eye. Ask questions. Smile. This is a great way to show how much you care. You engagement will almost always show you how you can best encourage them.
  3. Giving of Your Time – Time is our most precious and valuable asset. We are never getting more of it. Dedicating it to someone else is an honor. Committing your time to listen, help, support, motivate or love someone is a profound form of encouragement. The length of time is rarely as important as the quality time.
  4. Giving Advice – Giving advice can be tricky. Sometimes it can be challenging to give advice for something we haven’t gone through. We certainly don’t want to give unwarranted advice. But, as you cultivate deep relationships, your advice can be very meaningful. You can give a fresh perspective, glean on past experiences or walk them through an alternative solution. Good advice from a good person can help overcome the toughest of situations.
  5. Express Your Gratitude – It is important to regularly tell the people you are close to how much they mean to you. By expressing how grateful you are for everything they have done for you, you are encouraging them. Send a letter, write an email, make a phone call or do anything else to ensure that you are telling the ones you love how much they matter to you. This is a great reminder of how much you mean to them.

Related Questions

What is the difference between encouragement and praise? The key difference between encouragement and praise is subtle yet profound. Praise often celebrates a success or win. Praise focuses around an achievement. Encouragement focuses on the process. Praise creates an environment where the only success is completion while encouragement supports the process and, most importantly, your identity. Encourage growth!

What is a simple way to be more encouraging in daily life? One of the best and simplest ways to be more encouraging is to listen. The genuine engagement someone feels is already encouraging. By hearing and understanding what they are telling you, you will be more equipped to provide what they need. People will almost always reveal how they can be encouraged by trusting that you are listening and value what they are saying. Pay extra attention to your daily interactions and ask yourself, am I truly listening to what they are saying?

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