Power of Perspective: 7 Life Altering Perspective Changes

Our lives are filled with so many things that are far beyond our control.  Each day we are faced with challenges we don’t expect.  Every once in awhile, we get completely derailed by something we never could have anticipated.  Our response to these scenarios and everything in between is predominantly determined by our mindset.  

Perspective has the greatest impact on how you receive and respond to nearly everything you face in life.  Far too often we do everything in our power to change our circumstances and prevent heartache.  What we neglect to realize is that we don’t always have control of these things.  

Perspective is the one thing that we will always have control of.  No matter what we are going through you get to choose how to view everything in your life.

Perspective has a profound impact on who you are as a person. The right perspective can lead you to success, help you overcome a challenging situation or reinvigorate a marriage.  The wrong perspective has the power to make you to be frustrated at work, unhappy with your health or stressed out about money.  

If you are currently struggling with something, we encourage you to evaluate how you are viewing the situation.  You will likely find that there is a way for you to see a positive perspective in the midst of a negative situation.  Below are some examples of common struggles that we all can have.  


Negative PerspectiveThis job is wearing me down.  Why can’t I find a better job?  I want to do my passion.  I’m having a hard time supporting my family.  

Positive PerspectiveI’m thankful to have a job.  I can work hard to find better opportunities.  I will earn the change to pursue my passion.  I’m so thankful for the support of my family and we will figure out how to get out of this hole.  


Negative PerspectiveI won’t ever lose this weight.  Every time I try I just fail again.  I’ve tried everything.  My health keeps getting worse.  

Positive PerspectiveI will figure out how to lose this weight.  I’m going to keep working at it until I find the right solution.  Each time I fail, I will get back up and start again.  


Negative PerspectiveMy health is not good.  I struggle with it daily.  I can’t handle to pain and discomfort.  I don’t know if I will be able to make it through.

Positive PerspectiveI can work to get my health better.  There are usually many options to help.  I will work closely with my doctors to ensure I give myself the best possible chance of recovery.  If there is nothing that can be done, I will make the most of the time I have left.  I will inspire others to do the same. 


Negative PerspectiveMy spouse is getting on my nerves.  I’m fed up with this.  They aren’t the same person I married.  I haven’t been happy for awhile.  I don’t love them anymore.  

Positive PerspectiveThey are the love of my life.  Sometimes we have tough seasons, but we always make it through.  I’ve been made a better person because of this marriage.  It is my responsibility to make sure they are happy and well taken care of.  I will do a better job to show them how much I love them.


Negative PerspectiveI have some friends and family that I need a break from.  We have spent too much time together lately.  They take advantage of other people in the group.  They are so negative and bring everyone down.  

Positive PerspectiveThese the people that I love.  I’m grateful to have them in my life.  We may have our differences, but we always have each others back.  I will check in on them to make sure they are doing alright.  I will lift them up.  


Negative PerspectiveThe bills are endless.  I can’t afford this right now.  Things seem to keep getting worse.  So many other people have way more money then us.  I work twice as hard as them and they can afford all those nice things.  When will I catch my break?

Positive PerspectiveWe will make it through these bills.  The position we are in now really hurts, but it will get better.  We will be more and more motivated to make a better life for the family.  There are endless opportunities out there.  Hard work will create our break.  No matter what, we will do this together.  


Negative PerspectiveMy life is not what I was expecting.  Things aren’t going the way that I had planned.  It seems like everyone around me is happier than I am.  I’m stuck in a rut that I can’t seem to get out of.  

Positive PerspectiveIt’s never too late to make changes.  We can never prepare for everything we face in life, but we can always respond in the best possible way.  I will learn to be happy where I am now.  My life is meant to be lived and cherished.  I am hopeful and excited for the future.

Perspective Titan

Gary Berteir from Remember the Titans was just paralyzed in a car accident.  His coach recommended that it was time for reflection and prayer.  Gary quickly and confidently said, “Coach, I’m hurt.  I ain’t dead.”  He then continues by saying, “I’ve been reading up on activities they got for people in wheelchairs and such.  They got olympics.”  

Gary managed to turn the worst moment in his life into a positive opportunity.  He was not fixated on his pain and the despair of never being able to walk again.  He sought out hope.  He created hope from anguish.  Sometimes the greatest moments in our lives are born from tremendous pain.  Keep your eyes open for the positive.    

Your mindset can cause trends to start to develop. While shifting your perspective can have an immediate impact, focusing on the positive perspective regularly will train your brain to begin looking for the positive mindset automatically. The more you look for the positive, the more you will find it.

It’s possible that the life you are seeking is the life you already have.  

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