How Perspective Can Make All the Difference

It’s very easy for us to become consumed by the chaos of our daily lives. The state of our affairs starts to define who we are, how we feel and what is most important to us. We quickly forget that we are always in control of what matters most – how we choose to react to everything that we face. Your perspective can make all the difference.

Why is perspective so important? Perspective is the key driver in how we view all of our situations. It is the lens through which we view all aspects of our lives. From deciding what to eat in the morning to happiness at work to disciplining our kids – our perspective frames how we view and handle all of these situations. Changing your perspective can change your life.

Our lives are often measured by circumstance. We are driven by results. We do everything we can to control what happens to us. We rest our happiness squarely on the shoulders of our outcomes. Unfortunately, the trajectory of our lives rarely matches the optimism of our hopes and dreams. Having the right perspective can help us to overcome our big challenges and appreciate our successes.

Ways Perspective Can Make All the Difference

We can always count on the uncertainty of life. No matter how much we plan, how hard we work and how intentional we are there are many things that are just out of our control. Some of them can be great, wonderful things and others are quite the opposite. Because these things are out of our control it is best to focus more on how we respond to them rather than dwelling on the challenges brought about by them.

Our perspective shapes every single thing in our lives. It drives how we think. It influences how we respond. It guides what we focus on. It is the foundation for which we do all things. The world you view has infinitely more to do with how you perceive it than how it treats you. Here are some ways perspective can make all the difference.

  1. Two ways to look at every situation – We all have that friend that sees the bad in everything. No matter what happens, they see the worst in the situation. They could win the lottery and would immediately start complaining about the taxes that they will have to pay. While many of us, hopefully, would see that as an opportunity to do many great things in this world. Regardless of what we are facing in life, there will always be two main ways to view it. You can choose to see the worst in every situation or you can choose to see the best. Each and every situation will have hope and doubt – its your choice which one you want to focus on.
  2. Shapes how we respond – Often times we respond based on how we feel over what we are facing. Our mindset influences our response. When faced with a tough situation some people will seek shelter and hope it passes while others with recognize the challenge and pursue a resolution. They will even work to improve themselves along the way. They will try to come out the other side better than they were before. You can’t always control what happens to you, but you can ALWAYS control how you respond.
  3. Focus on what matters – Our time and energy is demanded from so many different things these days. We are constantly being pulled in many directions. Having the right perspective gives us the freedom to focus on what truly matters. You recognize when you are doing something that isn’t directly related to what is most important to you and can re-direct your energy to what matters most. We tend to waste a lot of time worrying unnecessarily, overthinking and being afraid. The right perspective always reminds us what we care about.

Benefits of a Positive Perspective

  1. Gratitude – Gratitude is one of the greatest contributors to happiness in life. The more we recognize and appreciate what we have the more joy we will experience in life. When you are focusing on the positive, you will become more and more aware of the great things in your life that you can be grateful for.
  2. Growth – A positive mindset forces you to see opportunities. Rather than dwelling on what could go wrong, you seek out what could go right. Often times what we seek is what we find.
  3. Happiness – Making the most of every situation will almost always lead you to find more happiness in life. Instead of trying to find things in your life that you need to be happy, spend some time reminding yourself of all the great things you already have.
  4. Peace – Devoting your energy on seeking the positive in your daily life will help you to feel more and more at peace with all that you experience.
  5. Relationships – A positive perspective will have a profound impact on your relationships. You will appreciate your friends and family for who they are and what they mean to you. You will start focusing more on the love you have for them and less on obsessing over the little things that bother you. Maybe more importantly, you will be someone people want to be around. You will be a model of encouragement for the people that matter most to you.

Scenarios to Consider

It can be valuable to take some time to step back and evaluate our lives. It’s easy to let life take over. You can quickly get swept up in the wake of the daily activities and allow your routine to carry you through each day. Here are a few common scenarios that a lot of us struggle with. What direction does your brain automatically go?

  1. Work – Many of us struggle with work. We are unhappy with our jobs, we envy other people’s line of work, we dream of something different or we give up and get stuck where we are.
    • Negative PerspectiveI will be stuck at this job forever. No one will hire me. I don’t have any other skills. Very few people realize their dreams. Taking risks is for other people.
    • Positive Perspective I am very thankful to have a job. I will always have the opportunity to try something else. I would be a great employee for many different companies. I have many different skillsets. If I work hard I can accomplish what I want to.
  2. Weight – This can be a struggle for a lot of people. Some struggle with overeating, some struggle with under eating, some can’t lose weight and others can’t gain weight.
    • Negative PerspectiveI will never lose this weight. I can’t stop eating the wrong things. It’s Krispy Kreme’s fault for making the donuts so good. I will never be happy with how I look.
    • Positive Perspective I can do this. My health is most important to me. If I falter, I will keep going. It won’t be perfect, but I am resilient. I have a lot of people around me that will invest in my success.
  3. Money – This is what drives our society, but it can also be a major point of contention.
    • Negative PerspectiveWe can’t get out of this debt. The bills will never end. Every time I pay something off another big expense comes up. I work so hard and get paid so little.
    • Positive PerspectiveWe can make the right steps to get back on track. This doesn’t define who we are. We can cut down on expenses and chip away regularly. I may be giving something up now, but it will be worth it in the future.

Related Question

  1. What are some ways I can work on shifting my perspective? – Often times we get bogged down by our circumstances and neglect to stop and think about the situation. One of the simplest ways to shift your perspective is to take a step back. Acknowledge what is occupying your mind and look at both sides of it. There will likely be two ways to look at the situation. Which way does your mind immediately go? Do you see the opportunity that lies ahead or do you see the despair that it will likely cause? Are you energized by the chance to get better or broken down just from thinking about what you have to face? Try asking yourself this question, What can I do to make the most out of this situation?

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