Encouragement for the Unemployed

Losing a job may be one of the most unsettling experiences you could go through.  You are immediately met with a cloud of uncertainty.  It can be difficult to see any semblance of hope on the horizon.  You feel woefully and painfully stuck.  You start to attach your self worth to your lack of employment.  It’s very easy to find yourself spiraling into despair.  

Don’t let this happen.  There is still hope.  Take a deep breath and push through the initial shock.  Things will get better. In fact, there’s a significant chance that your next move may even be a better one.  We have programmed ourselves to choose fear over hope.  There has never been a better time to lead with hope.  

Instead of wallowing in despair, seeking employment becomes your new job.  The hours are long, the work is exhausting and the pay is nothing.  But, the opportunities are endless.  Use your fear as motivation.  Use your uncertainty as inspiration.  Turn your stress into excitement.  You are now free to pursue anything you want.  

Tips to be Encouraged

Give yourself a break

The last thing you need to do is beat yourself up.  You’ve been dealt a tough break.  Don’t give yourself a hard time too.  You were never defined by your job.  You have not become immediately worthless.  

Take some time for yourself.  Reflect on what happened, but press on with confidence.  Your new path needs you to be you.  Do not compound your struggle by being overly critical of yourself.  

Be Grateful

The sting of a job loss can overwhelm you.  Don’t let it overshadow the good things in your life.  Your stability may have been shaken, but your foundation remains.  The people that love you are still there supporting you.  Lean on them.  Cherish them.  Appreciate them.  

Recognize that your safety net may be a bit wider than you might think.  Continue to seek the positive things in your life.  The more you pursue positivity the more you will find it.  Let the good in your life inspire you.  

This is an Opportunity

Losing your job probably doesn’t feel like much of an opportunity, but it is.  You may even feel some serious weight off your shoulders when you walk out the door for the first last time.  Unfortunately, as the rigors of the day to day grind are suddenly removed, you may be met with a more unbearable weight of needing to provide for you and your family.  

You have two choices – make a positive change for you and your family or let the pressure weigh you down.  Choose positivity.  Let it motivate you.  This is the time for you to dig in and push forward.  This is a chance for you to make a big change in the right direction.  You are only bound by your imagination and effort.  May you feel liberated and ready to tackle a great new opportunity.

Keep Going

It’s very difficult to pursue something when you don’t have a discernible timetable.  You could find a job tomorrow or you could start a business that struggles or you can have countless interviews for a myriad of positions.  Keep going.  

Each day you dedicate to making the most of this new opportunity brings you one step closer to getting to where you want to be.  When things get tough and you can’t see any progress – keep going.  

Get Creative

Whether you have just left a job you were doing for years or keep bouncing from job to job, it’s time to get creative.  As much as you might feel like a one trick pony, your boundaries are created by you.  This can be an inflection point for greatness.  Do not get stuck only on the familiar.

This is your chance to re-evaluate everything.  Ask yourself the big questions.  Am I in the career I want to be in?  If I could do anything, what would it be?  Is there a new skill I can learn?  

The best next step could be anything.  Be open to something very similar, completely new or somewhere in between.  Your greatest limitation to your options is likely your creativity.  Get creative.  Consider all options.  

Embrace Change

Things are probably different now than you are used to.  Don’t run from what’s new.  Carry all of your knowledge, experience and skill sets with you, but embrace the change.  There is likely a new way of doing business that you having experienced.  Learn it.  

Change is what drives us forward.  It’s what spurs progress and promotes growth.  Be an early adopter of what’s next.  It’s time for you to put yourself on the cutting edge of self improvement.  Expand your horizons.  Embrace the change in your life and use it for good! 

Use your Resources

You are likely to be surrounded by an abundance of resources.  When you are working and everything is fine you don’t necessarily recognize the support system built around you.  You shouldn’t have to look too far to find someone that has been where you are and knows the way out.  Lean on these people.  They will be most understanding and most willing to help.  

Daily Reminders

1) Your job status does not define you.  You are defined by how you respond.

2) You will get what you put into this.

3) You have many valuable skills.  You now have the opportunity to perfect them and to learn new skills. 

4) Choose a positive outlook.

5) Your relationships are your greatest resource.

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