6 Unique Strategies to be More Grateful

Most of our days are spent getting through them rather than enjoying them. We overlook the love we feel for our family in favor of the little things that frustrate us. We quickly lose site of the things that matter most to us and forget all the positive things in our lives – no matter how insignificant they may seem. We often choose fear over hope. We are more stressed than we are relaxed. So, how to we break the cycle of going through the motions and start learning to live our lives?

Gratitude. The simple act of feeling grateful has been proven to have tremendous positive impacts on many areas of your life. Gratitude has been known to increase overall happiness, have physical health benefits and create a more positive framework for which you view the world. Perhaps the greatest attribute of gratitude is that regardless of what is going on in our lives it can almost always bring us value.

Benefits of Gratitude

  1. Happiness
  2. Physical Health
  3. Mental Health
  4. Relationships
  5. Mindset

Strategies for Increased Gratitude

While it is abundantly clear that being more grateful has tremendously positive impacts on our daily lives, it can be difficult for us to genuinely embrace it. Our initial reaction to things that happen to us in life is a lagging response to the mindset that we have created.

We all have that friend that immediately puts a negative spin on everything. They could win the lottery and would quickly start complaining about the taxes they have to pay or the struggle of what to use the money on or all the people that will now start asking them for money. They only seem to see what is negative.

We also have the other friends that always seem to put a positive spin on things that happen to them. They could lose a job and express how grateful they were to have had the opportunity to work there and for all of the great things in their life that it afforded. They would then share the excitement they feel for the next opportunity and inherently trust that they will soon land on their feet.

While difference between these two people seems profound and significant, it is often a small distinction in mindset that differentiates them. It boils down how they choose to view the world and the mindset they have cultivated.

One of the quickest, simplest way to steer your life more towards positivity is through gratitude. Try these 6 unique ideas:

  1. Daily Reminders – Take the time each day to focus on the things that you are grateful for. The simple act of creating space to focus on the positive things in your life can have a significant impact. You allow yourself to give more credence to the positive aspects of your life over the negative aspects. You also help to train your brain to see more good. Positivity will start to become more reactive and natural.
  2. Avoid Comparison – Be the Best Version of You – We all have fallen victim to comparing ourselves to others. We tend to see someone with something we want but don’t have and feel jealous. Often times we don’t know their full situation and this line of thinking can be corrosive to our well-being. Spend your efforts appreciating what you do have and not wishing for what you don’t have.
  3. Avoid Perfect – Seek Progress – Perfection may be the one thing that we pursue the most. We seek perfection and neglect progress. Perfect is basically unattainable. If you somehow manage to get there it will be fleeting quickly. The problem with chasing after perfection is that it slows us down and often stops us from accomplishing the very thing we desire to be perfect at. It can be the barrier to what makes us great – action. Don’t let the pursuit and unattainability of perfection take you away from the infinitely more powerful pursuit of progress. Celebrate your small wins. Small, consistent wins are going to carry you through.
  4. Say “Thank You” – Expressing your gratitude for something someone did is as simple as letting them know. Many of us do this reflexively. This needs to be genuine. Next time someone opens the door for you or was nice to you while ordering your food or helped you move, let them know how much you appreciate what they have done. Look them in the eye, be genuine and thank them for making a positive difference in your life. It’s simple and powerful for both of you.
  5. Remember the Good Stuff – Life is a series of moments that we are stringing today. Most of our days are filled with mundane, routine obligations. We pile up tasks and check off to-do lists just to get through the day. If way take the time to stop and enjoy, all of these obligations pave the way for the good stuff. The moments that truly make life worth living. These can be weddings and the birth of your kids or reconnecting with an old friend or having a few minutes to yourself. Whatever these moments are for you, take the time to enjoy them. Take the time to reminisce and remember what matters most to you.
  6. Give Back – This may be the most important one of them all. Helping others brings us back to the heart of what matters most in life. We are built to give. Helping others is selfishly selfless. You almost always get more back from other than you give. Making a positive difference in someone else’s life is energizing. It motivates you to keep giving. Most importantly, you are truly helping someone else in need.

The Gift of Life

We can make the most out of our lives when we view life itself as a gift and learn to embrace everything that it brings us. Lead with gratitude in everything that you do. Accept the struggles. Cherish the good times. Keep pursuing what matters most and be grateful for it.

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