17 Reasons to be Encouraged Right Now

The great thing about encouragement is that we can always benefit from it. You can never out grow it or out earn it. You can’t be too good for it or too broken to receive it. Most importantly, its power is unmeasurable. Encouragement can immediately improve someone’s day or it can be the strength to break a life altering habit. It is easy to give and can be profound to receive. We simply just need more of it.

Regardless of what is going on in your life right now, here are 17 reasons to be encouraged:

You are still alive – Life has its way of taking over and we lose site of the simple fact that we are alive. No matter what is going on right now, you have the ability to stop, take a deep breath, appreciate that you have been given the gift of life and choose to live well.

There are always people in your corner – Sometimes we feel alone. We feel like we are doing everything on our own, but this just isn’t the case. There will always be someone in your corner ready to lift you up. Sometimes it’s only one person and other times there is a line of them. Occasionally, you have to go seek one out. No matter what, if you look around, you will be able to find someone to drive you to chemo, to cook a meal for your kids, to lend you some money or to just sit and listen to you.  Don’t turn your back on the people that care for you the most – cherish them.

You can choose how to respond to your failure – Failure is rarely the end. Often times it’s the beginning of something great. Use it as an opportunity to learn, to grow, to change and to move. Dwelling on your failure keeps you stuck in place and worsens the pain. Dust yourself off and choose to get better.

You always have hope – Fear has a way of eating at us. If we let it take over it creates a new reality in our minds. Our worries start to feel imminent and our hope shrinks. No matter how tough things get, remember to hope for the best. The more we look for the positive, the more we start to see it. Even a dying mother can have hope for her sons.

“Hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things and no good thing ever dies.”

Shawshank Redemption

People are generally good – If you had a poor experience with someone don’t forget that most people are generally good. Seek out relationships with people that lift you up. The people that matter will always be there to support you. Release yourself from the pain caused by someone who doesn’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated. 

Things will get better – More often than not things are going to get better. You are likely stuck in a tough season, but that will change. If you choose to make the most of it you will come out of it better off than you were when you entered it. Hang in there.

You aren’t the only one – Whatever it is that you are going through, you aren’t the only one. There will always be someone out there who has been in your shoes before. They have faced what you are facing. Likely, they have overcome it. Don’t feel stranded and hopeless. Seek out someone who has made it through. You may be surprised by their wisdom and insight.

Perspective can make all the difference – Our view of the world becomes our world. When it feels like everything is crumbling around you make sure to stop and look around. Seek out the good in your life. You may be surprised by how good things are and realize it’s not as bad as you thought.

You are not defined by your flaws – The shortcomings that we so deeply struggle with are not the things that define us. Your weight or income or habits or fears do not define you – you do. Let your attitude, positivity and goodness be the reflection of who you are.

Popularity is not a contest – The things we think we want aren’t always the things that are best for us. Popularity doesn’t bring us the satisfaction we think it would. Cultivate genuine relationships. Be there for the ones you love. Lead a life that is revered. Infect people with your kindness. This will bring you the kind of popularity that you want.

The finish line is not a complete measure of success – We all have dreams and goals that we are hoping to achieve. Often we only see the finish line. We look beyond the process and go straight to envisioning the end. Success is your resilience when things don’t go as planned. Success is choosing to do the things that other people aren’t willing to do. Success is pushing through when everything tells you it can’t be done. Success is believing in yourself.

The world needs you to be you – You have a unique set of skills, talents and ambitions. The world is best served by you pursuing those. Embrace who you are. Don’t conform to who you think the world wants you to be. Seek out your passions, dreams and desires. Be a positive influence on those around you. 

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.”

Dare to Desire by John Eldridge

Your happiness is yours alone – You deserve to be happy. You have the right to be happy. You do not need to rely on anyone to bring you happiness. Joy comes from within.

It’s okay to forgive yourself – Everyone screws up. You aren’t the only one. Stop treating yourself like you are. Forgive yourself and move on. If you need to, seek forgiveness, but don’t forget that you are worthy of it too.

Change is difficult, but worth it – The most challenging things we do are almost always the most rewarding. If you don’t like something, fix it. If you want something new, chase after it. It’s going to take resolve, persistence and dedication, but it’s ALWAYS available to you.

Spend your time on what matters – Nearly every resource we have is renewable or replaceable. Time is not. Spend your time on what’s important. Sit and chat with a friend. Go help someone in need. Be present with your family. Be grateful for and embrace the most precious gift you will ever receive.

“I can buy anything I want, but I can’t buy time.”

Warren Buffett

Life can/should be fun – All of us only know, with certainty, of this life. Do great things. Always be kind. Work hard. Make a difference. Enjoy it.

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